Kieruj się po wyznaczonej linii zaznaczonej na mapie poniżej.

You: hi
Captain Jenny: Welcome to the Viridian Police Station! We do all we can to protect the civilians and end criminal groups like the Team Rocket! Anyone can JOIN us, even you! Tell me if you have interest.
You: join
Captain Jenny: Police officers are never enough, new members are welcome if they have a good heart and have the right objective here. What do you want to do being a police> Vengeance? Justice? Money? Benefits?
You: justice
Captain Jenny: That's right! We need to make justice with those unpunished outlaws and protect the civilians! You can be a police! But remember, you can choose to help the Team Rocket ot the Police, are you sure the Police is your choice? There is no coming back.
You: yes
Captain Jenny: Good! You are a member of the Police now! I am Captain Jenny, you will receive missions from me! Ask for your first mission when you feel ready. Good to have you with us!
Misja Pierwsza
You: hi
You: mission
Captain Jenny: Your first mission is right now! A team of rockets are trying to steal a lot of rare fossils from the MT.Moon! I already sent a team to intercept them, but I don't think they will be able to stop them! Go there and bring those fossils here to safety, ok?
You: yes
Captain Jenny: Good! Defeat any rocket you find there! And bring those fossils to me! Good luck on your first mission officer!
Udajemy się do Pewter i zgodnie z linia zaznaczoną na mapie kierujemy się w miejsce które wyznaczyła nam Captain Jenny.
Musimy zabic 5x Rocket Rookie i kliknąc na plecak.
Po wykonaniu tych zadań wracamy do Captain Jenny i piszemy.
You: hi
Captain Jenny: Hello officer, if you want a new mission, I probably have something for you!
You: mission
Captain Jenny: Have you completed your mission?
You: yes
Captain Jenny: Good! I must confess I wasn't expecting too much from you! It seems I was wrong. Maybe you are stronger than I expected! Good job!
Misja Druga
You: hi
Captain Jenny: Hello officer, if you want a new mission, I probably have something for you!
You: mission
Captain Jenny: An anonymous person just reported that a team rocket grunt is trying to steal the items from vermilion mart! Go there and stop the grunt! That person also reported that he might have a list of some "easy to steal" shops! Bring it to me if you find it! Ok?.
You: yes
Captain Jenny: Ok! I will be waiting your return! Good luck!
Udajemy się do podziemi Marketu w Vermilion
Musimy zabić 2 Rocket Grunt i kliknąć na papier
Po wykonaniu tych zadań wracamy do Captain Jenny i piszemy.
You: hi
Captain Jenny: Hello officer, if you want a new mission, I probably have something for you!
You: mission
Captain Jenny: Have you completed your mission?
You: yes
Captain Jenny: Nice! I think I finally found a good officer! You always have the job done! I will have a good mission for you now!
Misja Trzecia
You: hi
Captain Jenny: Hello officer, if you want a new mission, I probably have something for you!
You: mission
Captain Jenny: You are a good officer! You should be able to arrest lots of rockets! Do you think you can do it?
You: yes
Captain Jenny: Here! Take these police handcuffs, and use it on any rocket after defeat all their pokemons! Arrest 20 to show they can't give us more trouble!
Udajemy się do kasyna w Celadon w którym jest zejście na poziom niżej.
Musimy zabić pokemony Rocketów i po zabiciu ostatniego pokemona użyć na Rocketa kajdanek które dała nam Captain Jenny.
Po wykonaniu tych zadań wracamy do Captain Jenny i piszemy.
You: hi
Captain Jenny: Hello officer, if you want a new mission, I probably have something for you!
You: mission
Captain Jenny: Have you completed your mission?
You: yes
Captain Jenny: Good job! I knew I could count on you! I think it's time to end the team rocket major operations! Get your next mission when you're ready.
Misja Czwarta
You: hi
Captain Jenny: Hello officer, if you want a new mission, I probably have something for you!
You: mission
Captain Jenny: You've been my best officer so far! So I will give you a tough mission. There are rumors that the Team rocket is planning to do a great steal operation! If it is true, we must be quick and discover what it is! Are you ready for it?
You: yes
Captain Jenny: OK! Here, this will make them see you as a rocket team member and they will not attack you, but it will only last for 30 minutes! Go to the Rocket hideout under celadon city and find those plans and bring them to me! Good luck!
Captain Jenny: How rude!
Udajemy się do kasyna w Celadon w którym jest zejście na poziom niżej i kierujemy się po kartkę zaznaczoną na zdjęciu.
Do tego zadania dostajemy outfit Rocket na 30 minut, dzięki któremu Rockeci nie będą nas atakować.
Po wykonaniu tych zadań wracamy do Captain Jenny i piszemy.
You: hi
Captain Jenny: Hello officer, if you want a new mission, I probably have something for you!
You: mission
Captain Jenny: Good Work! My assistant is going to translate and study these plans, come back when you are ready to intercept then!
Misja Piąta
You: hi
Captain Jenny: Hello officer, if you want a new mission, I probably have something for you!
You: mission
Captain Jenny: My assistant said the team rocket plan is to steal the cubone skulls at Lavender town, and they have explosives to destroy the walls of the tombs! Your mission is to remove those bombs and bring them to me so we can put them in a safe place, are you ready?
You: yes
Captain Jenny: You are so courageous! It will be hard, but you will be well rewarded for all you've done for the police! Good luck!
Udajemy się do Lavender zgodnie ze wskazówkami na mapie. Będziemy potrzebować pokemona z umiejętnością rozwalania skał ( rock smash ). Podczas tej misji musimy zabić 5 Rocket Rookie i 3 Rocket Grunt.
Ze skrzynki otrzymamy bombę która należy zwrócić Captain Jenny.
Po wykonaniu tych zadań wracamy do Captain Jenny i piszemy.
You: hi
Captain Jenny: Hello officer, if you want a new mission, I probably have something for you!
You: mission
Captain Jenny: Have you removed those bombs?
You: yes
Captain Jenny: Excellent! Now the Team Rocket will think twice before planning anything again! Here is your reward for all your services to the Police! I will have more missions for you later, we are done for now!
Tą rozmową z Captain Jenny kończymy BOX 2 i otrzymujemy nagrodę.
Gratulacje ! Zdobyłeś BOX 2 i 5k :)
Dzięki zakończeniu BOX 2 możemy przejść do kolejnych misji, aby móc je rozpocząć musimy najpierw porozmawiać z Captain Jenny.
You: hi
Captain Jenny: Hello officer, if you want a new mission, I probably have something for you!
You: mission
Captain Jenny: Yes, I could use your help again, we're having problems with the Team Rocket in some regions... I sent two officers, an Investigator and a volunteer named Tracey to help, but they are taking too much time to report to me! Can you help?
You: yes
Captain Jenny: Good, I sent a Jenny and Tracey to Pinkan island and another Jenny and Looker to Tarroco island. Help them with their jobs! You will be well rewarded!
You: yes
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