Aby rozpocząć quest powinniśmy zacząć z Poke Center miasta Phenac i podążać do Embedded Tower.
Kolejnym zadaniem jest rozmowa z NPC Professor Syncamore
You: hi
Professor Syncamore: Hello. My name is Professor Syncamore and I'm from the Kalos region. I'm here doing my research at this tower. But there's lot of powerfull Pokemon and my team can not advance. I can tell more if u want...
You: tell more
Professor Syncamore: The last researcher of my team that want inside the tower got hurt while leaving and we don't have anybody else to send in. In his report, he wrote about some pieces of tablets with ancient drawnings that he found from the 1st to the 4th, but he wasn't able to get it, because there were some kind of protection around it. Would you like to help us?
You: yes
Professor Syncamore: Great! I have an idea. If you accept to explore the floors and bring me those pieces of tablets, I can offer you rewards that you will be able to exchange fot items from the Kalos Region. What do you think?
You: yes
Professor Syncamore: Ok then! Talk to our last researcher, Barry. He was last seen studying a new area that has been found, on the east side of the Phenac Desert. He will instruct you how to get inside the Tower.
Professor Syncamore: I'll be waiting for you. Good luck!
Po rozmowie z Professorem Syncamore udajemy się do Barrego.
Podczas podróży spotkasz po drodze vibrawy, flygony.
You: hi
Barry: Hello! I work as a researcher for Professor Syncamore! But I'm retired for a while because I got hurt when I was leaving the Embedded Tower. If you want, I can tell you more.
You: tell more
Barry: When I was leaving the tower, I hurt my leg while climbing the stairs. My crew took me to the Pokemon Center in Phenac, and when I was under treatment, I saw a trainer stealing my bag with all my stuff. My crew chased him, but he disappeared headling to Agate.
You: tell more
Barry: When he arrived in Agate, theOfficer Jenny arrested him, but he already had hidden my bag in his way to the city. As you can see, I can't go search for it. But, if you help me, I can teach you know to get access to the Embedded Tower and it secrets.
You: help
Barry: Nice! So here's the deal: Bring me my bag that is hidden somewhere between Phenac and Agate, and I will give you a gift that will give you access to Embedded Tower. Deal?
You: deal
Barry: Ok ( your name )! I'll be waiting for you. Good luck!
Poniżej zamieszczam lokalizację respów Barry Backpack
Po znalezieniu Barry Backpack wracamy do Barrego.
You: hi
Barry: Hello again! So, did u find my bag?
You: yes
Barry: That's awesome! So, before I teach you how to enter in the Tower, let me tell you a story first. Not so far away from here, there's a region called Hoenn, which has a place called Sky Pillar, the temple of the Lord of the Skies, Rayquaza. Its said that he was the one who stopped a cataclysmic battle between Groudon and Kyogre, legendaries Pokemon that created the continents and oceans. And a long time ago, some people migrated from Hoenn to this land.
You: tell more
Barry: These people brought with them Sky Pillar Emblem, a mystical stone said to contain the essence of the power from Rayquaza, which allowed him to built his own temple. Over time, these people used that emblem to build the Embedded Tower, in honor of the Lord of the Skies, but the emblem was lost during the process. Then, sometime ago, people from Phenac reported that they saw Rayquaza flying around here. Since Rayquaza is still resting in the Sky Pillar waiting for once again protect the world, reasearchers from all regions came to study it more deeply.
You: tell more
Barry: So, our crew came and while digging around the Tower, we found the Sky Pillar Emblem in the desert, and we realized that it was the key to the Tower. So, I went in, and while exploring, I saw some tablets with ancient drawings on them. I tired to reach them, but I couldn't do it because of the traps that were around. I decided to leave and report the information to Syncamore, but you already know what happened.
You: tell more
Barry: Well. Now that you did your part of the deal, here's mine. Take the Emblem with yopu, and get inside tower. Find those tablets and deliver in to Syncamore. I'm sure that he will give u a good reward for helping our research. And thanks for bringing my bag back.
Barry: See ya!
Otrzymaliśmy Sky Pillar Emblem.

Professor Syncamore: Hello again, ( your name ). So I went to talk to Barry?
You: yes
Professor Syncamore: Great! Now that you have the Sky Pillar Emblem you can access the tower. As I asked you before, if you can bring me the pieces of tablets that Barry found inside the tower, please. I will give you rewards whenever you explore one floor and you can exchange them for valuable items Kalos region and other things that will help you in your Pokémon journey.
You: yes
Professor Syncamore: We're counting on you, good luck ( your name ).
Professor Syncamore: Goodbye then.
Teraz możemy wchodzić w tower klikając na schody.
Każdy poziom daje inną liczbę punktów:
1st Floor - Salamance - 20 punktów
2nd Floor - Magmortar - 40 punktów
3th Floor - Electrivire - 60 punktów
4th Floor - Scizor - 80 punktów
Punkty otrzymamy tylko wtedy gdy wygramy pojedynek z Bossem danego poziomu.
Możliwe Nagrody :
Fragmenty których należy szukać podczas robienia Tower:

Blackwing Fragment - poziom pierwszy

Cyanflame Fragment - poziom drugi

Whitevolt Fragment - poziom trzeci

Greenclaw Fragment - poziom czwarty
Aby przejść do kolejnego poziomu Tower potrzebujemy znaleźć 4 fragmenty, gdy już je znajdziemy udajemy się do Professora Syncamore i piszemy
You: hi
Professor Syncamore: Hello again, ( your name ). So I explored the Embedded Tower?
You: yes
Professor Syncamore: That's cool! Tablet which parts did you find?
You: blackwing fragment
Professor Syncamore: Good job! Now I put this so that part here, now that the left, one on the right and .. voila! Well, it is clear that this is the design of a Shiny Salamence, what a beautiful work of art! Professor Birch would love to take this Lilycove Museum in Hoenn, however, the only thing we need are those that are written underneath the drawing. You can take the tablet, Player.
You: yes
Professor Syncamore: Thanks again, ( your name ). You were very helpful to us bringing this tablet. Now we can continue studying the tower and as we talked before, here's your reward.
Professor Syncamore: Now go, ( your name ). Continue exploring the tower and bring in tablets. There are more rewardswaiting for you.
Professor Syncamore: Goodbye then.
Otrzymujemy odpowiednio nagrodę za zebrane fragmenty z każdego poziomu
Poziom 1 ( lvl 150+ ): Blackwing Tablet, 1 000 000 EXP + 1.000 punktów
Poziom 2 ( lvl 200+ ): Cyanflame Tablet, 2 000 000 EXP + 1.250 punktów
Poziom 3 ( lvl 250+ ): Whitevolt Tablet, 3 000 000 EXP + 1.500 punktów
Poziom 4 ( lvl 300+ ): Greenclaw Tablet, 4 000 000 EXP + 2.000 punktów
Poziom 5 ( lvl 300+ ):
Poziom 6 ( lvl - ):
Poziom 7 ( lvl - ):
![]() |
Blackwing Tablet |
![]() | |
Cyanflame Tablet |
![]() | |
Whitevolt Tablet |
![]() | |
Greenclaw Tablet |
Na wykonanie Tower przed dojściem do Bosa możemy użyć tylko 80 potion i 12 revive. Medicine są bez ograniczeń. Natomiast na Bosie możemy liczyć już tylko na medicine i własną taktyke.
Miejsca na które trzeba zwrócić szczególna uwagę podczas szukania fragmentu zostały oznaczone "x"
Powodzenia !
w dupe jebane kurestwo ostatni fragment z pierwszego poziomu nie chce wypasc juz kurwa chyba 2 miesiace mam 3/4 fragmenty